The good news today is that the opening chapters of my novel ‘Soul to Soul’ have joined the best seller list on the Youwriteon site in the UK. Reviewers scored it for plot, character, narrative voice etc. I’m very pleased as publishers look at the best seller list and the best of these books will be published next year.
Also my children’s book is going well, just as I said it would (once I got started), and I can almost see how Enid Blyton churned out so many books each year. When the words are flowing it all seems so easy! I know what is happening next, but I stopped in the middle of a scene today so that it is easy to take up again tomorrow (a good tip, that).
In preparation for next week’s teenage summer camp I recently watched the film Twilight. It’s very good, in fact for the first time I found a film to be better than the book. It is brilliantly made and we’re spared the endless paragraphs about how gorgeous Edward is. Instead we look at him, and yes, he is gorgeous. It’s the best teenage movie I’ve seen. My next task is to read book number two, ‘New Moon’. I’m looking forward to it.