Students’ Book of Stories – Submissions

I am inviting all students, who are currently attending my writing classes, to submit a story to be published in a book this Christmas. This project is a wonderful way for young writers to see their work in print.

If your child is currently attending one of my classes, and would like to submit a story for the book (nobody has to), it needs to be typed up and emailed to the two addresses below by November 6th. My colleague, Oona Roycroft, is editing the book with me so every story needs to be sent to her as well as to me.

If your child would like suggestions for improvements to their story, they must email their story to us before the deadline of 6th November. This will give us time to give feedback on their work. By revising and editing their work, each child will learn how to make a good story even better. This is a valuable lesson for them.

The story should be no longer than 1000 words (less is fine). The story should be typed up and emailed to AND on or before Monday 6th November. All stories submitted on or before the deadline will be published in the collection. Stories emailed after 6th November may not be included.

Please include the name and age of your child – as you would like it to appear in the book.

I would like to invite every child, who is interested, to create picture for the cover of the book. The title is Don’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover. Please DO NOT write the title on the picture. If you do, we will not be able to use the picture. Please make the pictures colourful and suitable for a portrait (not landscape) cover. I will be very grateful for all pictures received and will choose the best one. The latest date to give me a picture is Thursday 9th November.

Every year we donate profits made from book to charity. Each book costs €10 and makes a wonderful present for family and friends. This year profits from the book will be donated to Focus Ireland to help the homeless.