There are two great writing competitions coming up.
The first is run by the Dalkey Book Festival with a great prize of €250 book voucher, tickets to the Dalkey Book Festival 14th -16th June, a weekend stay in The Fitzpatrick Hotel, Killiney, and lunch with some children’s authors. All you have to do (if you are under 13 or under 9 years old) is write a story that is four hundred and forty words long and submit it before the end of May. You can find more information and enter here:
The second story competition is a joint venture between the RTE Guide and Puffin. The closing date is 7th June and there are different categories depending on your age. There is also a section for adult writers of children’s or Young Adult fiction. Here are the details:,PUFFINShortStoryCompetition2013.pdf
So get writing!!!